Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Daweiian Islands... Joins the Legion.

The Daweiian Islands have joined The Legion of Vortex and da Ace.

Confirmation message: (On diplomacy chat)
Dawei: ok ill join wat ever that is

:P OWNED, Yvonne.


The fate of destiny... Or fate, is in your hands.

After I publicly said that I would leave the Legion (News article here), I have discussed with [Commander] Justin da Ace in the Diplomacy chat and concluded that I would not leave, after all.

The first war between the now Legion [Commander] Justin and Legion [Commander] Fyre Vortex, with FyreVortex retaliating in this post on ByRumors.

The thought of such a war again would happen, and in an even larger scale, as many alliances has been formed-The Kangano Bib Bi and Yvonne Furballia, the Daweiian Islands, and some other unknown alliances that KYFurballia [Commander] Yvonne made up-Jinia, Povedanoia, and this Charlieffen von ---lenna.

This time, many proof and screenshots have been taken. War would rupture the Diplomacy chat and the 9ML DCS Blogosphere.

But luckily, da Ace and FyreVortex has remained together-The Legion of Vortex and da Ace will not fall today. 

-Legion [Commander]

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Justin says "YEAH" to war

[Commander] Justin has said: "YEAH" to war, when asked inside the diplomacy chat.

Diplomacy is as follows:
The Legion* vs Kangano Bib Bi-Yvonne Furballia

[Commander] Justin has initiated war.
[Commander] Fyre Vortex says: "Go ahead."

The war that Jin was about to start with Kangano Bib Bi-Yvonne Furballia has been stopped. The cause of the start of the war between them was that... -Filtered-

The Daweiian Islands are currently neutral. Same with Jin vs Kangano Bib Bi-Yvonne Furballia. For now.

-[Commander] The Legion of Vortex and da Ace
*The Legion of Vortex and da Ace

[Commander] Justin declares war

[Commander] Justin on the diplomacy chat said on 10/16/2008, at 6:47 PM to go to war with the new Kangano Bib Bi-Yvonne Furbillia.

War isn't new for the Legion of Vortex and da Ace. Justin says his reasons is that he was insulted, and that the Legion was insulted.

That meant war.

The leader of Kangano Bib Bi-Yvonne Furbillia, Yvonne, has been known of insulting many people and that proclaiming ridiculous (Although one of the "ridiculous" claims has been backed by da Ace) claims towards Charles and the unknown Quaca?

On to war!

Update: The offending article is below, taken from Yvonne's Corner:
"13 OCTOBER. SHANGHAI.Justin has found new love, reports said. The teenaged basketballer has been found with another young girl fairly often this month. Although Justin has declined to comment, reporter say that the young girl is from his class perhaps the same age or younger. Her identity is unknown but names of Jen, and Jin have been popping up. She is rumored to also be Singaporean. Justin, 1.7m, has also recently lost his reputation for missing hoops this week. "I don't know. I think I just got to focus more." quoted the basketballer. Focus on what, Ace? Rumors has it that Justin is going through stress from his college, Dulwich College. Reporter say that the teenager will be tested in Math, Science, French and History subjects this week. Best of Luck, Ace! WRITTEN BY SHANNON HERTZOG Due to hostility and tension between the 9ML'ian individuals, I sense that a War is about to break out. I think the war of Jinia-Fabian is already on. -filtered- Fyre Vortex and -filtered- da Acesigned the alliance thingy so now they are the Legion of -Filtered into- Vortex and da Ace They are building up tension against Daweian, war might begin there. Chances of a war on two fronts for the legion is possible as Yvonno has also been attacked through effects of the invasion of Dawei'an. -Filtered- is causing conflicts against Kangana BibBi and war may begin there. Justina Quacana has also attacked Charlieffen von gayienna and war may break out there as well. No further attacks are included, but 9ML has recently been rated the top 10 most dangerous areas in the world. Please be careful.:"-Yvonne's Corner

Whispers of marriages also come from da Ace's blog:
"OK so i have decided to marry DAWEI and YVONNE" says da Ace's blog.

A picture is posted below:

It is currently unknown who took that picture/photoshopped it.

The other leader ([Commander]) of the Legion of Vortex and da Ace is currently neutral right now, but says, go ahead, if you want.

[Commander] Legion of Vortex and da Ace

Monday, October 13, 2008

Truce... For now.

The truce between Jin (Qiao) and The Legion of Vortex and da Ace (Don't ask me where I got Jin Qiao. Ask Justin da Ace. I mean "da Ace".)

Jin is going to delete her pictures and the Legion won't attack. But as always, many truces don't last long. :| Who knows, when Jin comes back the war might start...


Treaty Broken?

The treaty is probably broken by Jin as she was taking pictures of other people with a blank promise that she won't upload it to her blog. Well, there are many loopholes there-Uploading it to someone else's blog, letting someone steal the camera/memory chip, accidentally giving/bluetoothing the pictures away, ... The possibilities are ENDLESS! ... Well, kind of.

And also, Justin and I have formed a Legion-The Legion of Justin and Vortex. We will probably attack Jin on the fact that she BROKE the truce... Whatever truce that was.

On to planning!!!

Update: It also seems that Justin took pictures of other people. Well, in his-Our defense (The Legion, remember?), it was Jin who first thought up the idea and actually took the pictures... And taking pictures is probably an act/declaration of war. And Justin had to defend against Jin and defended by taking pictures of her to put it inside our stockhold. 

Update update: Actually the legion is called The Legion of Vortex and da Ace. :)


A Wise Decision Made

The Ground of Fabs has accepted me into his blog. There is peace now, between the two blog. :)

A war between ByRumors and the unspecified blog that The Ground of Fabs has created will not happen. :)


Temporary Peace

We currently have temporary peace between his rumor blog (Which the URL is unknown to most people right now), as he has deleted the offensive post, or otherwise altered it.

I still await his decision for me to join his blog.


News on Fabio... Coming soon.

We are currently awaiting the Ground of Fab's reply to ByRumors on whether we will have peace or not. If we do have war, then I'm afraid it will become catestrophic.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Attention to ByRumors Authors

Attention, existing ByRumors authors/soon-to-be authors: Do not post yet.

... Truce breaking again?

"[6:09:02 PM] Justin says: i am not breakign the turce between me and bryan but i am at theedge of breaking the treaty
[6:09:05 PM] Furball says: getting angry doesn't solve anything :) - quoted by Mika in the song "Grace Kelly"
[6:09:08 PM] Fyre Vortex says: ...
[6:09:23 PM] Furball says: dont break it"

Oh noes. :|


Justina?+What it takes for Justin da Ace to sign the Peace treaty

Who is this Justina?
"[6:06:04 PM] Furball says: -___-
[6:06:07 PM] Furball says: peace.
[6:06:07 PM] Furball says: xx
[6:06:48 PM] Furball says: i shud call u justina instead of leprechaun
[6:07:04 PM] Kangan says: justina???"

What it takes for da Ace to sign a chat peace treaty
"[5:54:39 PM] tiffanyyy says: justin you have to have peace we everyone
[5:54:44 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Ya
[5:54:45 PM] jin. says: yup
[5:54:46 PM] Justin says: okay is it just me or is it really quiet ever since daweiand furball( yvonne ) were divorce
[5:54:47 PM] Fyre Vortex says: EVERYONE PEACE K?
[5:54:54 PM] jin. says: i sign
[5:55:04 PM] Justin says: sign?
[5:55:09 PM] jin. says: sign the peace treaty
[5:55:11 PM] jin. says: :P
[5:55:26 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Hey Justin
[5:55:29 PM] Fyre Vortex says: The league of Justin and Bryan :D
[5:55:36 PM] tiffanyyy says: i sign
[5:55:42 PM] tiffanyyy says: and i'm also the witness
[5:55:49 PM] Sean says: i sign too :]
[5:55:53 PM] jin. says: hehe
[5:55:56 PM] Fyre Vortex says: This message has been removed
[5:55:57 PM] Fyre Vortex says: *signs*
[5:56:00 PM] jin. says: okay
[5:56:06 PM] jin. says: now we need justin to sign
[5:56:09 PM] Sean says: lol *sings* o.o
[5:56:12 PM] jin. says: and yvonne
[5:56:13 PM] Fyre Vortex says: ....
[5:56:16 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Very funny Sean.
[5:56:17 PM] Sean says: JUSTIN SIGN
[5:56:20 PM] jin. says: and kangan
[5:56:20 PM] Sean says: u to dawei :3
[5:56:34 PM] jin. says: justin, sign the treaty
[5:57:08 PM] Fyre Vortex says:
[5:57:11 PM] jin. says: grr
[5:58:06 PM] jin. says: justin has to sign
[5:58:09 PM] jin. says: and yvonn
[5:58:11 PM] jin. says: and dawei
[5:58:13 PM] Justin says: huh ?
[5:58:13 PM] jin. says: and kangan
[5:58:17 PM] Justin says: imm tired
[5:58:20 PM] jin. says: just type sign
[5:58:25 PM] tiffanyyy says: haha yeah
[5:58:43 PM] jin. says: pleasee
[5:58:46 PM] jin. says: just type it
[5:58:48 PM] jin. says: then click enter
[5:59:26 PM] jin. says: ...
[5:59:41 PM] Fyre Vortex says: lol
[5:59:52 PM] tiffanyyy says: justin, now
[6:00:03 PM] jin. says: now!
[6:00:09 PM] Justin says: how?
[6:00:15 PM] Fyre Vortex says: LOL
[6:00:32 PM] jin. says: just type sign
[6:00:36 PM] jin. says: then click enter
[6:00:39 PM] Fyre Vortex says: LOL
[6:00:46 PM] Furball says: what do we have to sign?
[6:00:49 PM] jin. says: hurry
[6:00:54 PM] jin. says: sign the peace traety
[6:00:57 PM] jin. says: *treaty
[6:00:59 PM] jin. says: just type sign
[6:01:00 PM] tiffanyyy says: just say i sign
[6:01:03 PM] jin. says: yea
[6:01:09 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Lol
[6:01:21 PM] jin. says: hurry
[6:01:55 PM] Furball says: signed :)
[6:02:02 PM] jin. says: okay
[6:02:18 PM] Justin says: "sign"....... MY FINGERS ARE not CROSS..
[6:02:22 PM] jin. says: yayy
[6:02:23 PM] tiffanyyy says: goooood
[6:02:28 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Lol
[6:02:29 PM] tiffanyyy says: i'm a witnessss
[6:02:31 PM] tiffanyyy says: again
[6:02:46 PM] Kangan says: heyy
[6:02:49 PM] Kangan says: again

Wow. That took a while. Lol.


Peace has been made

[5:27:40 PM] Justin says: yeah SP00\\s\50021 peace
[5:27:55 PM] Justin says: now lets both focus our attention to dawei and yvonne i mean furball
[5:28:09 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Ok
[5:28:14 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Peace?
[5:28:16 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Justin peace?
[5:28:19 PM] Justin says: yeah
[5:28:24 PM] Justin says: how many times you wanna say that
[5:28:25 PM] Fyre Vortex says: No crossing fingers or feet or any other body part available or any thought bodypart?
[5:28:32 PM] Justin says: yeah
[5:28:32 PM] Justin says: lol
[5:28:33 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Or any images conjured up in your head of any sort
[5:28:36 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Peace?
[5:28:36 PM] Justin says: yeah yeah
[5:28:37 PM] Justin says: sure
[5:28:40 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Ok. This is legally binding.
[5:28:43 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Say yes if you agree.
[5:28:47 PM] Fyre Vortex says: (Justin)
[5:28:52 PM] Justin says: imm gonna get soething to eat ... all that peace thing is making me hungry
[5:28:54 PM] Justin says: yes
[5:28:55 PM] Fyre Vortex says: Lolk
[5:29:17 PM] Justin says: bleh i forgot there is nth to eat in the kitchen
[5:29:22 PM] Fyre Vortex says: lol

That is the peace part of the chat that we had on Skype.

Kangan <3 Justin

Does Kangan like Justin? According to some sources, Kengan DOES like Justin.

Does "da Ace" like Kangan? We'll have to find out. More coming soon.


(This has been posted in retaliation for Justin attacking people like Yvonne, Jin, Dawei, and me. Those rumors from him are ABSOLUTELY false.)

Friday, October 10, 2008