Monday, October 13, 2008

Treaty Broken?

The treaty is probably broken by Jin as she was taking pictures of other people with a blank promise that she won't upload it to her blog. Well, there are many loopholes there-Uploading it to someone else's blog, letting someone steal the camera/memory chip, accidentally giving/bluetoothing the pictures away, ... The possibilities are ENDLESS! ... Well, kind of.

And also, Justin and I have formed a Legion-The Legion of Justin and Vortex. We will probably attack Jin on the fact that she BROKE the truce... Whatever truce that was.

On to planning!!!

Update: It also seems that Justin took pictures of other people. Well, in his-Our defense (The Legion, remember?), it was Jin who first thought up the idea and actually took the pictures... And taking pictures is probably an act/declaration of war. And Justin had to defend against Jin and defended by taking pictures of her to put it inside our stockhold. 

Update update: Actually the legion is called The Legion of Vortex and da Ace. :)


1 comment:

hehe-haha said...

dont worry, i wont. dude, im not that dumb. and its not attacking people! hehe, only pictures where u arent included in it. god bryan!